IGCP 429 - Organics in Major Environmental Issues (1998-2002)


Short description: Organic matter and its derivates are essential components of the natural environment, and increasing awareness has developed recently on the varied behaviours and roles of organics in environmental issues. The scientific aim of this project is to correlate existing and new data from biospheric, geosperic and atmospheric studies in order to evaluate the different roles of organic matter in the environment. Direct evidence of natural processing of organic matter, and geochemical models will be used to suggest how society may minimize the negative effects of mining activities and improve remediation. Studies will include radioactive waste repository sites, the formation of human carcinogens and the fate of organic pollutants in surface and groundwaters.



IGCP 429 management structure


Co-Leaders: Jan PASAVA (IGCP) (CZECH REPUBLIC) pasava@cgu.cz; Jan JENIK (MAB) (CZECH REPUBLIC) jenik@natur.cuni.cz


Scientific Secretary: Andrew Paul GIZE (UNITED KINGDOM) andy_gize@email.msn.com


Regional Vice-Leaders: Kagumbu WALEMBA (AFRICA) 065KABUN@cosmos.wits.ac.za ; Delian FAN (ASIA) fandl@public.intercom.com.cn ; Bernd LOTTERMOSER (AUSTRALIA) blotterm@metz.une.edu.au ; Kirsti LOUKOLA-RUSKEENIEMI (EUROPE) kirsti.loukola-ruskeeniemi@gsf.fi ; Tom GIORDANO (NORTH AMERICA) tgiordan@NMSU.Edu ; Laecio CUNHA DE SOUZA (SOUTH AMERICA) laecio@geologia.ufrn.br



IGCP 429 major goals


This project is intended as a means of bridging gaps especially between IGCP and MAB activities involving geoscientists, biologists and health specialists, to encourage cross-fertilisation of skills and ideas, and to co-ordinate research efforts in order to be of great value to society as possible.


This project should help society through studies of organic-metal interactions and the weathering process of fossil organic matter and associated sulphides in developing more sophisticated and effective remediation policies, and treating acid mine drainage from active and former mining areas, thus contributing to the prediction, minimization, and treatment of the negative environmental impacts of mining activities on our planet.


This project should provide society with very useful analogues to assess the performance of radionuclide containment at man-made radioactive waste repository sites, thus making repository processes more safe.


This project should help society, through compilation of environmental models, to develop safer exploitation of industrial, widely occurring, black shale hosted mineral deposits.


This project should help society to identify organic atmospheric factors ranging from environmental to health deterioration, thus to help to become aware of, and minimize, negative impacts of human living.


This project should help society to distinguish various sources of traceable organic pollutants in aquifers, thus to contribute to the evaluation of water pollution risk.



IGCP 429 topical working groups


WG1: Organic matter - metals interaction

(A.P. Gize, UK - e-mail: andy_gize@email.msn.com)


WG 2: Microbial leaching in environmental clean up

(K. Bosecker, Germany - e-mail: k.bosecker@bgr.de)


WG 3: Weathering of organic matter

(B. Kribek, Czech Republic- e-mail: kribek@cgu.cz)


WG 4: Acid mine drainage

(E. Puura, Estonia - e-mail: epuura@math.ut.ee or erx@ket.kth.se)


WG 5: Environmental models of black shale hosted mineral deposits

(W. Mayer, Poland - e-mail: wmayer@geol.agh.edu.pl)

WG 6: Organic atmospheric particulates

(K. Hall, U.K. - e-mail: Keith_Hall_GC2@compuserve.com)


WG 7: Organic matter in nuclear waste issues

(D. Mossman, Canada - e-mail: dmossman@mailserv.mta.ca)


WG 8: Organics in aquifers and water systems

(L. de Souza laecio@geologia.ufrn.br and R. Melo, Brazil, J. Spangenberg, Switzerland Jorge.Spangenberg@imp.unil.ch)


Finally, a schedule of annual major international meetings was arranged for the duration of the IGCP 429:



IGCP 429 - Annual international meetings


1998 - Inaugural Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic (September 10-13) (done)

1999 - Annual International Meeting (session 2 “Organics in the formation and remediation of mineral deposits”, within the 5th SGA-IAGOD Meeting), London, U.K (August 25-28, 1999) - confirmed more info at http://www.immr.tu-clausthal.de/sga.html

2000 - Annual International Meeting (within the 31st IGC ), Symposium C-7 “Organics in Major Environmental Issues” Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (August 6-17, 2000)

2001 - Annual International Meeting (within the 6th SGA Meeting), Cracow, Poland (August 26-29, 2001)

2002 - Final Meeting within the 11th IAGOD Symposium and Geocongress 2002 Meeting in Windhoek, Namibia (July 22-27, 2002) - IGCP 429 co-sponsores open session O2 “Environmental impacts of the exploitation of mineral deposits and energy resources” - more info at http://www.geoconference2002.com





Proceedings from the Inaugural IGCP 429 Meeting (Sept 10-13, 1998, Prague, Czech Republic) – typescript materials in pdf format


See the IGCP 429 Annual Report 1998


See the IGCP 429 Annual Report 1999


See the IGCP 429 Annual Report 2000


See the IGCP 429 Annual Report 2001